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LOVE YOGA™ - Explorations of Your Multidimensional Self

This Master course invites you to have fun and find enjoyment on the journey of your life, enlivened with Spirit, leading a vibrantly healthy lifestyle and enjoying loving relationships, starting with yourself.


It will provide an intensive, deep dive into union/yoga from the standpoint of your multi— dimensional Self.

Only $450

This expansive experience will include:

* Somatic movement experiences to enliven cellular knowing and full embodiment

* Yoga asana

* Sacred mantras

* Mudras

* Guided meditations

* Breathing/pranayama

* Chakra focused practices

* Relaxation

* Mindfulness/mind focus

* lnspiring messages from the Master Realm

* Music

* High Magic

* A chance to be with yourself, more deeply and lovingly

* A loving community of heart—based spiritual seekers

* Optional closed Facebook community to share your knowings, inspirations and curiosities

* Livestream and Call recording

Vickie M. Fairchild

Vickie M. Fairchild has been a spiritual seeker all of her life and has landed in Gaian based spiritual practices that honor all life as sacred. She serves selflessly as a steward of Love for the benefit of Mother Earth and all of her creatures great and small. She is a medium, mystic, healer, certified holistic health coach, spiritual advisor.

She is the creator of: LOVE: Living the Oneness of your Vibrant Essence, which incorporates inspired, intuitive healing and spiritual and somatic embodiment practices. She has been gifted with the innate ability to bring through Divine messages, to help with the evolution of the personal and collective

She is a master in the movement arts, with certifications in Pilates, Laban Movement Analysis, BodyMind Centering. and Yoga. She has been a yoga teacher for over 30 years. She holds LOVE yoga and meditation classes weekly, that illuminate the light of the soul.

Vickie has owned and operated her own physical therapy clinic for over 30 years, pioneering holistic health and wellness. She is currently providing integrative practices, including advanced manual therapy, craniosacral therapy, energy healing, therapeutic exercises, fithess training and rehabilitation, that honors the individual and their goals.