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LOVE Yoga™ Course in Self Mastery I Begins 2024

It is my greatest desire to be part of the awakening of humanity and the evolution of consciousness, to contribute to the healing, and a return of this great planet Earth to the beautiful garden and majesty of its original creation, where all life is held, honored and treated as sacred.

This information began coming to me about 3 years ago and was offered to a small group of  my closest friends and devoted seekers, meeting once a week. This group continues today. The Source is inspired teachings from the Master Realm and the Christ Consciousness. It has grown to include enlightened beings of Spirit, devoted to helping humanity awaken to their true nature. The Source of these teachings is all about love, compassion, kindness, truth and integrity of action, devoted to the Inner Light of the sacred heart that illuminates us all.

I began getting symbols as a way of communicating, beyond verbal information. Each symbol has an energy and a purpose and is a tool for enlightenment, embodiment, your soul’s growth and your ego’s evolution. When we meet, there is a field that is created and we all enter the illuminated, high vibratory state that leads to transformation and alchemical, mystical experiences, unique to each individual. I have been amazed at the messages that have come through! 

I am truly humbled to be the messenger for these new teachings for humanity. I wonder at my own level of growth and knowing that has been established through these Masters and devoted beings to the Supreme Light of All That Is. I feel it is my honor and responsibility to share, pass forward and to continue to be an open channel for,  inspirational information that will serve the highest good of all.

Course Content:

* Introduction to sacred geometry and how to use the symbols
* Guided Meditations for transformation and an enlightened way of living in the world
* Small group sharing
* Understanding of one’s own ego, feelings and emotions
* Getting to know one’s soul purpose
* Honor your gifts and unique super powers
* Explorations into higher states of consciousness
* Enhanced awareness/mindfulness
* Healing into wholeness and sacred remembering of your true nature

Why join hands with me on your transformational life journey?

* You are a spiritual seeker, looking for more depth, awareness and joy in your life.

* You are an empath, sensitive and intuit who wants to live more fully and consciously and

better manage the feelings and emotions you pick up from others, consciously and unconsciously.

* You want to go from striving to thriving.

* You want to live your full potential.

* You want to awaken your body intelligence.

* You want to have vibrant health.

* You want to heal your body trauma.

* You want to calm your mind and let go of your anxiety and fear.

* You want to enliven your heart of self compassion.

* You want to embrace a conscious, mindfulness lifestyle.

* You are yearning to clarify your deepest desires and live your dream based life.

* You want to know and live your soul’s purpose.

* You want your life to be extraordinary, filled with loving relationships.

* You want to make a difference in the world and join others of like mind and heart.

This is the first time this Course is being offered to a wider range of individuals. It is an exciting time in our evolution, as we all look for hope, embody our mystical faith and offer our individual strengths and gifts to the collective and to those who are in need.

LOVE… is in alignment with ending all cruelty and suffering, promoting equanimity and equality and serves all and honors all life as sacred.

This Self Mastery I Course is Invitation Only! 

Vickie M. Fairchild

Vickie M. Fairchild has been a spiritual seeker all of her life and has landed in Gaian based spiritual practices that honor all life as sacred. She serves selflessly as a steward of Love for the benefit of Mother Earth and all of her creatures great and small. She is a medium, mystic, healer, certified holistic health coach, spiritual advisor.

She is the creator of: LOVE: Living the Oneness of your Vibrant Essence, which incorporates inspired, intuitive healing and spiritual and somatic embodiment practices. She has been gifted with the innate ability to bring through Divine messages, to help with the evolution of the personal and collective

She is a master in the movement arts, with certifications in Pilates, Laban Movement Analysis, BodyMind Centering. and Yoga. She has been a yoga teacher for over 30 years. She holds LOVE yoga and meditation classes weekly, that illuminate the light of the soul.

Vickie has owned and operated her own physical therapy clinic for over 30 years, pioneering holistic health and wellness. She is currently providing integrative practices, including advanced manual therapy, craniosacral therapy, energy healing, therapeutic exercises, fithess training and rehabilitation, that honors the individual and their goals.