Vickie M. Fairchild has been a spiritual seeker all of her life and has landed in Gaian based spiritual practices that honor all life as sacred. She serves selflessly as a steward of Love for the benefit of Mother Earth and all of her creatures great and small. She is a medium, mystic, healer, certified holistic health coach, spiritual advisor.

She is the creator of: LOVE: Living the Oneness of your Vibrant Essence, which incorporates inspired, intuitive healing and spiritual and somatic embodiment practices. She has been gifted with the innate ability to bring through Divine messages, to help with the evolution of the personal and collective Consciousness.

She is a master in the movement arts, with certifications in Pilates, Laban Movement Analysis, BodyMind Centering. and Yoga. She has been a yoga teacher for over 30 years. She holds LOVE yoga and meditation classes weekly, that illuminate the light of the soul.

Vickie has owned and operated her own physical therapy clinic for over 30 years, pioneering holistic health and wellness. She is currently providing integrative practices, including advanced manual therapy, craniosacral therapy, energy healing, therapeutic exercises, fithess training and rehabilitation, that honors the individual and their goals.

Vickie has studied, taught and performed dance professionally and still dances for the pure enjoyment, as well as, for the many health and fithess benefits.

She is the author of: The Divine Trilogy, The Story of Union, Through the Teachings of the Masters channeled through the Christ Consciousness and the Ascended Master Realm. She is focusing on more inspired teachings and writings for more books to come.

She is best known for her expansive, intuitive healing abilities and is honored to be of service to a wide range of individuals. She provides transformational opportunities, through individual coaching, readings, sacred circles and groups. She is available as a minister, for sacred ceremonies, weddings and individual and group spiritual guidance.